Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Weekend Gubs Came to Visit

What a fun weekend I had when Melissa and Scott came out! I have known Melissa since High School and Scott since college. The funny thing is, we didn't like each other in high school. I thought Melissa was so stuck up and she thought I was a brat. We laugh so hard about that now though. We became friends Freshman year in collage. She was dating Scott and that's how we met Adam and Rich (the 3 of them served missions together). We did have some good times and late nights though. It really didn't take too long before we became best friends.Freshman year of college.... wow was that fun! I miss those days.

Melissa's brother Alan-who is awesome and I love to death-got married. We are all so happy for him! So they came out for that. I wasn't the photographer for their wedding and didn't take any pics of the two of them-I didn't want to over step my boundaries- but I took some random shots of our friends. I hate that Melissa is so far away and we hardly get to see them. I miss her so much

Man, is he cute!

The Slumber Party Junkies...
Rich, Adam and Scott

Me and my Gubs. I LOVE this girl to death!

One of the great group of friends from college. I can't possibly be the shortest one here... Rich must be standing on his tip toes again! Whatever.
We had some good times eh Gubs?

While Scott and Melissa went to the luncheon-no kids allowed-Adam and I took care of Connor. And by that I mean, Adam changed Connor and played while I took pictures. Connor is so well behaved. Melissa is a good mom though. She's one of the few who still believe in disciplining their kids. He is always so well taken care of and very smart. I wish I could see them more.






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