I've wanted to post this for a while but now that it's Hilary's bday,
today is the perfect day to post this. These two have been some of my GREATEST friends since 2002. They've seen me through a lot. There are some things that I know with out them, I could not have survived. It seemed like a lot of my world came crashing down shortly after I met these two. I know that Heavenly Father put these two amazing woman in my life at the perfect timing. We've laughed together, cried and some of the best times together. We've seen each other through so much. Although we all live in different states now, our friendship still stands strong. Even though I hate that it's months sometimes before we talk, we can always pick up right where we left off and there's never any awkwardness. Not only are they amazing, but they also have amazing husbands as well. I remember when I went through my divorce, Hilary's husband made me go with them for the weekend to his parents house so that I could get away from all the crap I was dealing with. Both Alex and Peter gave great words of comfort telling me that it wasn't all a waste because I had gained life long friends if nothing else.
Feb. 2009 (seven years later)Hillary-I remember the VERY first time I met you, I had this strong feeling that we were going to be great friends. I thought it was weird since you lived in MO and I was in UT. Little did I know what was coming... It was so much fun hanging out and planning our future wedding Business together. I don't think I realized HOW much you loved me until you came to my house right before I moved from MO and bawled that I was going through what I did and cried because you couldn't stand to see me go. It was so hard leaving you both! It meant the world to me that you insisted on making my wedding dress. You worked so hard and diligently. This is something I will always cherish. I've enjoyed all our visits and shopping trips.
Laura-It's strange how you can meet someone and just hit it off like you've been friends forever. That's kind of how it seemed the night we met at that dance. It meant the world to me when you called that week JUST to chat. I love that we became so close in such a short amount of time. I always still laugh thinking we had always managed to buy some of the exact same clothing around the same time. When you left those flowers/card on my door step when Joelle died-that meant the world to me also. I've never (nor will I ever) forget that. When your baby died, I was so devastated. Hilary and I cried all weekend together and for you. It was so hard for us to see you loose something you and Peter longed for and deserved for so long. Not to be able to be there was even harder. It was such an honour and cherished memory to be able to be there for Abbie's Adoption and Sealing.
Ladies, I miss you both SO much. I believe that we were great friends in Heaven and that our friendship will continue in the next life. For sure, I am building my mansion next to both of you!
Happy Birthday Hillary. Click HERE for a special surprise!