Monday, August 18, 2008

Oh Yes...

I'm one of "those girls," whose read and LOVED the series. My cousin can take full responsibility for this though. However... THANKS Kenz!! I love you! Anyho... This was by FAR, my favorite book out of the set. It was REALLY hard to put down, but I forced myself to do so since it is the last one and I wanted to enjoy it as long as I could. What did everyone else think about it? Is anyone else as excited as I am for the movie? Holy Crap, I can't wait!



Rosie and Derek said...

Hi Sherry, I found your blog on Facebook. I haven't read Breaking Dawn yet because I'm finishing The Host right now (and I lent my book to my sister) but I can't wait to read it!!! And I can't wait for the movie either!

Geena said...

Well you should be happy to know the release of the movie has been moved up!!! :) November 21!!! WOOHOO!!!

Hillary Sperry said...

Yeah I love it. Nuf said :)

No it's never enough said... I think it was my favorite too... but it totally filled my craving at the same time. Lose ends but none that stress me out if you know what I mean.