Sunday, July 29, 2012

My Little Man...

We just got in from a super busy weekend! Friday I shot a wedding at the Manti Temple and it was BEAUTIFUL! EARLY Saturday morning, we loaded up and headed to the Bountiful Temple. I shot there and then since the reception was clear out in Wyoming, we headed up that way. We stopped in Park City for a little bit to do some shopping. We pulled into Green River about an hour before I was suppose to shoot the wedding. Anyone that knows me knows that I don't care for Idaho that much, but this place... yikes!! I will take Idaho ANYDAY over Wyoming! We checked into our nice hotel-the best part of the trip out there and then headed to my wedding. When I was done, we just hung out in our sweet hotel room and watched TV. Today on our way home, Jory wanted to take the scenic route home. HOLY CRAP... it took FOREVER!!!

We stopped in Vernal to eat and just let Lincs run for a bit. We took him over to the Vernal temple too. I had never been there and wanted to see it. We FINALLY rolled into Heber this evening and stopped to see our good friends. They invited us to swim and eat with them. It seriously was so good to see them and their kids. Lincs had a BLAST swimming! Anyways... we are home now and my stomach is super upset. I TRULY need to see a dr about this. It happens way too much! Hopefully I didn't bring some bug home with us though. Bleh... So I thought since I can't sleep feeling this bad, I would do a small update. Speaking of updates... Lincs has made HUGE leaps and bounds with eating!! We can't even begin to express our gratitude about this!

 A week ago, we went to Almo, ID and hung out. Actually, I had a few photo shoots, but we still had fun. Here are a few pics (out of like 400 that I took). I LOVE his little face!! My little pride and joy!

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