We went up American Fork Canyon for our family portraits this year. Normally we have Scott Hancock take them, but this year we decided to try out the self timer and tripod. It was a team effort. We scouted out the spot, I would focus on Jory, then press self timer, run into the portrait and Jory would count. The portrait where Jory is holding me up in the air was all about timing! ;)
My biggest interest right now is building a Bamboo Fly Rod. Sherry got me a book on how to build one and I've been researching ever since. I started building the rod about a month and a half ago. But first, I had to build some tools: planning forms, binder and an oven.
The process is to take a bamboo culm and split it, plane it, bind it, cook it, replane it, glue it, wrap it and finish it. I'm at the gluing phase.
Another process is building a grip. On most rods cork is used but I am using bark. I got some bark up the canyon and used a hole saw. I cut out some rings and will them together and then I will shape it. These are the strips ready for gluing. They have been final tapered and will recieve glue and be bound again.
It's no surprise that I love night shots. Eps. when the moon is full. I have no idea why I love the moon so much, but to me, it's beautiful. I took these sometime last week. None of them were on a tripod (totally random timing) so they may be a little shaky looking! The last one was taking on my way to Y.W. I saw the shoot, thought it was amazing, pulled off the side of the road and took it. Couldn't resist! Oh- the middle one, obviously played with that!! It's not what it really looked like, but it was fun to try and do something different! ;)