Monday, December 12, 2011

Look to the Light

Unfortunatly, sometimes it is only through our deepest, darkest hours that we turn to the Saviour for help and comfort. I have been guilty of this more then once. I am going through this right now in fact. Sometimes, however, when we are at our lowest point (or we just FEEL like we are there) we don't always feel him there and we feel utterly alone. I have never in my life been inactive from the LDS church and nor do I have ANY intentions to either, but sometimes, I do feel like he isn't there or doesn't care. I believe these feelings are normal and we all go through them at some point in our lives. I have felt like I have been slipping through the cracks on so many levels for far too long. The other night when I was talking to my mom about everything, she told me she felt strongly that he was watching over me closely. I WANTED to BELIEVE her so bad, but I didn't. It seems like everything is just going wrong and I. AM. DONE! This evening, I remembered a talk someone gave years ago where he point blank said, "Christ isn't the one that turns His head from us, we do that on our own." Ummmm... yeah-pretty much right?

It started with a small and simple prayer for ONE beautiful picture of my CUTE BOY. I KNOW he heard that small, simple and lame prayer. But HE KNEW HOW important this aspect of my life is. Everytime I shoot a session, I pray that I can do a beautiful job and a lot of times, I DO feel him there. Whenever I kiss my cute boy (which is more then not) I have a prayer of gratitude in my heart because I KNOW it was Him who brought me this boy at the time He did.

I have started to take this one step at a time to rebuild faith and confidence in MY OWN ANSWERS to prayer. I may not always be on my knees praying, but my heart seems full of prayers lately. I can't do this alone anymore-my plate is too high and my heart is so full of things that shouldn't be there. I know I have to give some of this burden to Him. I NEED Him. And so do you.

The following video is one I found while blog stalking that inspired this post. It is BEAUTIFUL and so heart felt! Even though we should look to the light all the time, sometimes it's just gotta start from somewhere...

I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did and are enjoying this beautiful Christmas Season! :)

1 comment:

Hansens said...

Thank You Sherry! I have been trying to do this for far too long and lose all hope some days. Thanks for the reminder.